Our Causes
As a parent of a child attending Sandy Hook Elementary during the tragic shooting on December 14, 2012, we continue to honor and remember our community’s children, administrators and educators whom we lost and will forever keep in our hearts.
Being older newlyweds, my husband and I became parents through the miracle of adoption. Our children Ethan and Isabella, joined our family as infants from Almaty, Kazakhstan. Our daughter Aeryn, adopted as a special needs child, arrived at the age of 2 1/2 years old from China.
The Persnickety Bride and its affiliated companies donate a percentage of our overall profits yearly to causes helping and aiding children heal in our Sandy Hook community, as well as other worthy programs helping children in their families throughout the United States.
Having seen international orphanages first hand, we remember the children left behind to languish without the love of a family. It’s for this reason we donate a percentage of our profits annually to international organizations directly impacting the lives of orphaned children.